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rudder bearings bav 36

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tony from dorset:
just been reading some comments on YBW site about rudder bearings anybody had to change bearings on bav 36 yet mine is 2004 and seems ok but just wondering if anybody has had a problem with theirs.

Sweet As:
I too have been reading the stories of rudder bearings ceasing with interest. Every time I go out for a sail now I wonder weather the helm is feeling tighter than last time or not.

We have a 2004 Bavaria 36 as well and i think the bearings are fine. There can be a bit of a audible squeak at times but it emanates from the where the wheel shaft enters the pedestal. I was interested to hear about the olive oil preventative maintenance option! I haven't tried it yet but I suppose it can't do any harm.

tony from dorset:
i tried mine yesterday and yes you can here a small squeek as you turn the wheel, having said that it turns quite freely so i think i am going to leave well alone.

hi, 1999 Bavaria 34 owner here. We have had some experience in this area. From what I remember the bearing consists of two acrylic half-spheres that rotate over each other, adjustable by a rotating locking nut in the floor under the removable transom access point.

We found we kept on needing to tighten it each year to the point where there was no more capability to do that ... so new bearing needed. Local company reported back to say that only one of the two spherical halves was present - the other had never been fitted! Now all present and correct, and now only minimal adjustment ever needed.

As this has been about the only major manufacturing fault found wrong with the boat since new ..... now has 17,000 miles on the clock .... it was an early build boat with solid doors and proper cupboard doors - lol  :D ...... we didn't make a fuss.

I can't help but think that a synthetic waterproof silicon grease such as used on the Furlex will give you a better long-term result than olive oil ...... good luck!

Cheers .......

Bob Baynton:
I, too, have been reading about the rudder bearing issue. I have a 2003 Bav 36 and no problems  .... so far. Does anyone know if this seizure of one or both of the rudder bearings occurs suddenly, or is this something that progresses with time, the rudder taking more & more effort to turn? Upper Vs lower bearing - either one more problematic? Every year, when the boat is hauled out for yearly "bottom painting"  , I ask my mechanic to check the rudder bearings when he is changing the saildrive oil and zinc. I wonder what he checks as I was told that you actually have to "drop" the rudder to inspect the bearings. Anyone have experience in this? I imagine Bavaria do not have a procedure or service bulletin for inspection and/or replacement of the bearings as that might be seen to be an admission of problems with the bearings. Anyone done the replacement and willing to share the  process?  Thanks!


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