Author Topic: volvo push to start button  (Read 3625 times)


  • Able Seaman
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  • Boat Model: 38
  • Boat Year: 2003
volvo push to start button
« on: January 13 2014, 14:54 »

I've a B38 2003 with D2 55 engine , knocked off the rubber cover of the push to start button on control panel , made a hash of putting back on , consequently , binnacle cover swished it off in gale , cover blew up , switch filled with water and now needs replaced , any one any experience , where to buy etc , still have the rubber bit .

thanks in anticipation


  • Able Seaman
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  • Posts: 123
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  • Boat Model: 38
  • Boat Year: 2003
Re: volvo push to start button
« Reply #1 on: January 27 2014, 16:23 »
with suggestions from YBW forum . stripped button down , problem solved simples , with water ingress plastic button had swollen enough to jamb , dried out by fire and hey presto , shrank enough to work perfectly again