Author Topic: galley up-grade  (Read 2642 times)


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Model: ocean 47
  • Boat Year: 2000
galley up-grade
« on: February 08 2024, 18:37 »
Its getting time for a refresh to  the galley area. I've already sorted the annoying side hung cupboard doors. Now I want to  improve the appearance of the worktop (worn laminate) and improve fridge insulation. Also want to  replace cooker with a Force 10 (which  might be a squeeze ) and the sinks (designed for water saving rather than practical use)

My plan is to  overlay existing worktop  with a 2cm composite layer of closed cell foam and laminated plywood (wet wall panel) - has formica on both sides, with a single side hinged cut out and lid oversized over the existing fridge lid (where there is noticeable  cold leakage at the junction between the aluminium edging of the lid to  the surrounding work top. This should reduce the cold loss and provide a flush worktop surface. There is enough height on the surround (fiddle) to allow for the higher worktop.

I want to  replace the double sinks (with sloping base) with a single conventional  domestic inset sink. Trims a round the cooker would be stainless angle sections Hopefully I can get the cooker to  fit without having to  widen the opening but there will not be space for it  to  swing on gimbles.

Anyone done anything similiar  or can give advice?