Author Topic: 3-blade folding prop. at 43Cr?  (Read 1912 times)


  • Swab
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3-blade folding prop. at 43Cr?
« on: March 17 2021, 18:28 »
I have an old Volvo 3-blade folding 18x13 (blades 3581225 or 3581257). Will it perform on a 43Cr?
Data: lwl 11,4m , beam 3,99, weight ~10 ton, Enginee VP D2-55 with 130S.
With todays ordinary prop. (17x13?) we make 6,5 knots at 1800 rpm. Will it be the same?
There are small gaps round the blade axis. I mean that the axis holes are little waered, maybe 0,1 mm. It sounds horrible when I run the enginee on dry land. Any comments?
I'm asking because well in the water with any problems it will be hard and expencive to make a dry lift in our Harbor for a propeller change.


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Re: 3-blade folding prop. at 43Cr?
« Reply #1 on: March 17 2021, 22:33 »
18*13 is the size calculated by Vicprop so should be OK. I would be more concerned about the play in the pivot holes. These can be repaired by bushing and perhaps given the cost of haulouts, better to get that repaired before you fit the prop.


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Re: 3-blade folding prop. at 43Cr?
« Reply #2 on: March 18 2021, 08:42 »
Hi. Mattias...
  We had the same issue a few years ago with our ageing Volvo 3 blade folding prop. So we sent it to Darglow Ltd in Dorset...
They assessed the prop for corrosion and in that respect it was fine so they went ahead and machined the blades and hub to take oversized pins. So now there is no play between the hub and the blades, it's largely been 'zero timed' and should be good for many more years. Much cheaper than a new prop.....Bill


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Re: 3-blade folding prop. at 43Cr?
« Reply #3 on: March 18 2021, 10:10 »
Our B40 from 2001 and MD22 (55hp?) has 18x15 3-blade folding on 120S, so I would assume 18x13 on a heavier boat should not be too far away from good fit.

One should be able to replace the prop also by diving if liftout is too expensive and problems occur.


s/y Anniina 


  • Swab
  • Posts: 5
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  • Boat Model: 43 Cr Holiday
  • Boat Year: 2010
Re: 3-blade folding prop. at 43Cr?
« Reply #4 on: March 18 2021, 19:52 »
Thank you all!! I will oversize the holes and put new bushings in. I had a fear that the prop. would be to small but I will now give it a try!