In the summer, when I returned Mirage from the South coast to the East coast, I noted that the self steering "grunted" when turning to starboard (,2930.msg19113.html#msg19113).
I hoped it was due to the boss not being loosened enough on the wheel, however, fully loosened, it still does grunt...
Its very hard to hear, but turn up your speakers and listen at the end of this video. The deck vibrates a little when it squeaks, like the cable is slipping... however, it only grunts when under autopilot NOT when steering normally... knowledge of this system is still very scant - I hope fixing this might improve it somewhat as I like to know my way around most bits on board.
So, as I understand it, the wires come down from the binnacle, to this fellow here, that I presume is the motor that drives the steering gear:

The cables then work their way to here:

Where the quadrant moves the rudder stock.
And this guy is the rudder position sensor I'm guessing:

So what's grunting?