Author Topic: Cockpit panel dead!  (Read 10080 times)


  • Swab
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Cockpit panel dead!
« on: December 24 2016, 06:56 »
Hi All, I am in the process of trying to find a problem on a clients boat, 2005/6 Bavaria 29 Sport. The vessel has had recent engine repairs done by Volvo agents and now the cockpit panel seems to be absolutely dead. I have checked connections at the cockpit panel and the power board and all seems fine, have bussed the wires individually and found no fault. The are however three possible connection points on the power board. The cockpit panel harness is connected to 1, another connected with a single wire strap is connected to 2 and nothing connected to 3. Is this correct or could the previous tech have reconnected the unit incorrectly? Any detailed info on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
With regards, Mike Lavery, SEASURE MARINE.


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Re: Cockpit panel dead!
« Reply #1 on: December 24 2016, 07:33 »
Mike, should we understand from your post above that within the wires you have checked, that you have determined there is a twelve volt supply present at least in those wires, even if not in the panel?
The engine control panel on my boat has a small push button on/off switch, when it's on, the fuel gauge will indicate, and the alarms section at the bottom of the control panel will light up. If it's off, Then everything remains dead. Is the engine start battery fully charged and is it connected, and also is the main battery isolater switch turned on?
Lastly if the system was working before the Volvo engineers did their stuff, then perhaps they need to be called back to complete the work that presumably they have already charged for.


  • Swab
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  • Boat Year: 2005
Re: Cockpit panel dead!
« Reply #2 on: December 24 2016, 10:46 »
Hi Salty,
The issue is on the accessory control panel in the cockpit rather than the engine panels. This being the one that connects to the power board using a six wire loom and is used for lighting, engine room extractor, windlass etc. I have in the interim downloaded the pdf from another post on the site which indicates the basic connections between the two boards and it seems that the loom may well be plugged into the wrong six pin socked on the power board so I will be heading back down to the dock a little later to check on this. My understanding of the system at this point is that this loom carries power and hooks up a form of can bus between the two boards, which when a specific is triggered, i.e.: the extractor fan is switched on, that the message is carried from the cockpit panel to the main power board which interprets it and switches the appropriate relay which brings the device into operation. As it it presently connected, I get no indication on the cockpit panel led's when attempting any switching, but assume that if the prior mentioned interconnection is indeed incorrect that such will occur as a result. Can only hope that no damage has occurred as a result.
I am entirely at a loss as to why the Volvo techs would have needed to mess with this aspect of the vessel at all as they were dealing strictly with mechanical issues to the best of my knowledge, unless of course they had an issue with the engine room extractor, which I am told has not worked since they finished sorting the mech repairs.
Many thanks for your input to date though...with regards, Mike.

Spirit of Mary

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Re: Cockpit panel dead!
« Reply #3 on: December 24 2016, 14:18 »
The Bavaria 29 Sport is a motor vessel and not a sailing vessel or am I wrong. I think most members on this forum are sailers. Our cockpit panels are motor related and on the pedestal we have seperate navigation instruments. I hope someone can help you.


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Re: Cockpit panel dead!
« Reply #4 on: December 25 2016, 13:13 »
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