Bavaria Yacht Info
Member Forums => Bavaria Yacht Help! => Topic started by: allyfiji on October 04 2013, 23:18
Does anyone know where I can source the plastic bottle connected to the water pump in the port side head of my bavaria 50? It's a 'comet' pressure equaliser. Or does anyone know how I can connect Bavaria directly to ask how I can get a replacement?
many thanks
I've got the same (see attached), and I'm thinking of trying the system without it when I fit my new pump. I'm not sure it does much, other than keep the pump primed. It does act like an accumulator to a certain extent.
Try a caravan shop, not a chandler, certainly not Bavaria.
BTW, I've changed your display name slightly, not a good idea to use an email address. Login remains the same, but I can change it if you like.
Thanks for changing my user name.
That's the bad boy. I've found quite a few jabsco accumulator tanks on the internet which will bypass the thread of the current connector with a new t junction. I wonder if there will be a drop in water pressure without it? It's also the self primer I think?
AFAIK removing it will have the water come out in pulses.
I've heard of several DIY solutions which consist of an inverted plastic bottle and matching fittings.