Author Topic: How to protect the VP 130S saildrive from Galvanic Corrosion  (Read 3727 times)


  • First Mate
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  • Posts: 50
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  • Boat Model: 38 Ocean CC
  • Boat Year: 2000
 The below series of photos illustrate the work performed at Seaview West Boatyard by Mark Hiraiwa of Auxiliary Engine Service. Mark removed the Volvo Penta 130S sail drive that had suffered catastrophic galvanic corrosion damage from stray currents due to the faulty installation by the authorized Volvo Penta dealer in who failed to isolate the drive as mandated by Volvo Penta and repeatedly requested by the customer. Mark's meticulous work resulted in the replacement 130S sail drive being installed according to Volvo Penta specifications resulting in successful electrical isolation of the drive, thus protecting the new drive from destructive galvanic stray currents. Additionally, the drive is protected by a large protective zinc installed on the hull directly above the prop. A Volvo Penta Active Corrosion Prevention system provides continual monitoring and additional protection of the sail drive.

Link to photos and captions: