Author Topic: volvo D130 sail drive  (Read 7350 times)


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volvo D130 sail drive
« on: October 20 2015, 20:15 »
Lost a piece pump impeller when the water inlet filter lid cracked.
Has anybody dismantled the heat exchanger on this boat . Hopng to find lodged in there.
Any information would be gratefully received .
has anybody installed a filter between the heat exchanger and water pump.

Regards Tony   Bavaria  Cruiser 33  Pegatha


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Re: volvo D130 sail drive
« Reply #1 on: October 20 2015, 22:23 »
Depending on how small the missing piece of pump impeller is, you will most likely find it at the forward end of the heat exchanger. If it's small enough to go through the tubes within the heat exchanger then it's probably safe to assume it's gone out through the exhaust system and into the sea. I'm not familiar with your specific engine, but it's most likely that the forward end of the heat exchanger will be easy enough to take off, just remember to take photographs of it from many different angles before you start work. That way you will have something you can refer back to later at the point when you start to wonder which way round something fitted. As the cover comes off, some water will drain out which will have come from the fresh water side of the system, so ensure that the alternator is covered with a plastic bag to stop any water ingress. Remember to top up the cooling water header tank with a mixture of water and antifreeze once it's all put back together.
With the forward end cover off the piece of impeller should be found lodged against the forward end of the tubes in the heat exchanger along with anything else that might have passed through the pump. I found bits of mussel shell last time I did this job, along with several pieces of impeller (previous owner had lost them). It's an easy enough job to do, so long as you feel up to doing it. If not then call in your local marine engineer, and watch him/her do it, but he/she will want payment for a job you will then be able to do next time.


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Re: volvo D130 sail drive
« Reply #2 on: October 20 2015, 22:36 »
From my experience any broken impeller blades are likely to drop back in the water pipe feeding into the water pump.  As the pump is working less effective it makes sense that items fall back against the flow unless the bit missing is very small.  I have taken out many impellers in Challenger yachts and often two or three blades are missing but every time I find them in the feeder pipe.  Hope this helps.


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Re: volvo D130 sail drive
« Reply #3 on: October 21 2015, 05:24 »
I had one of the blades come off. It was lodged in the forward end of the heat exchanger just as Salty has indicated.

With one blade missing there is enough flow to ensure broken pieces lodge there. The blades on the salt water impellor seem to always break at the base, ensuring a large piece is lodged at the forward end of the heat exchanger. If you lose most of the blades then they will be found just above the impellor as the remaining blades are not sufficient to blow the broken blades into the heat exchanger. Check all the parts when you recover them to ensure you have all the pieces. Even with a blade or two lodged at the forward end of the heat exchanger, you should not notice any heating problems.

On the D1-30 engine, in my 2009 Bavaria 38 Cruiser  there are 3 ( I think) bolts to undo. They are awkward to get to. Once the cover is removed you will see the broken part. It is a good opportunity to inspect your heat exchanger for corrosion. 

s/v "Shirley Valentine"


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Re: volvo D130 sail drive
« Reply #4 on: October 21 2015, 07:09 »
I've often wondered if it is possible to back-flush such debris using a hosepipe on the heat exchanger outlet, having disconnected the pump from the inlet.
Nigel Mercier: Forum Administrator


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Re: volvo D130 sail drive
« Reply #5 on: October 21 2015, 09:21 »
Further to my earlier comment, the photo below shows what was found following a loss of cooling water flow one day. All of the bits seen in the photo were lodged against the forward end of the heat exchanger tubes and had resulted in a loss of water flow and a consequent rise in engine temperature. As Craig mentioned the flow of water following the loss of a single blade would still be sufficient to carry any small parts through to the heat exchanger. However, I can appreciate that if a much larger chunk of rubber came off the impeller, that it might not be small enough to go through the pipe and might therefore drop down once the engine had stopped and lodge next to the water inlet to the pump. I would however recommend that even if a piece of impeller vane was found within the pump, that the system from the pump to the heat exchanger was thoroughly checked out to ensure that nothing is left which might impair the cooling of your engine. Invariably the time when your attention is drawn to a problem is precisely when you really don't want that problem to happen.
Next time the boat was ashore I checked out the cooling water inlet in the saildrive leg, and found several live mussels living within that space. Using a pressure washer the mussels were persuaded to leave, and later I used a hose connected to the engine side of the saildrive to flush through to outside until I was happy that nothing else remained in the cooling water inlet.


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Re: volvo D130 sail drive
« Reply #6 on: October 21 2015, 10:43 »
Ithank you everyone, interesting experiences and once again I have learnt more things through this forum. 


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Re: volvo D130 sail drive
« Reply #7 on: October 21 2015, 18:45 »
I've often wondered if it is possible to back-flush such debris using a hosepipe on the heat exchanger outlet, having disconnected the pump from the inlet.

I appreciate it's a different engine but our MD2030D has a rubber elbow to take the raw water from the back of the H/E tube bundle and into the exhaust. It is easy to remove this so I guess a hosepipe could be inserted and used to flush anything out.
