Author Topic: Dinghy+O/B and Folding Bikes  (Read 4654 times)


  • Old Salt
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  • Posts: 445
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  • 34/2001 2cab
  • Boat Model: Bavaria 34
  • Boat Year: 2001
Dinghy+O/B and Folding Bikes
« on: December 14 2014, 12:27 »
Hi all

I've got a 7.5' GRP dinghy with rowlocks and a 2hp 2-stroke Yamaha for sale. The dinghy tows very easily and will fit on a couple of roof bars for transport. Great for grubbing around in the shallows. I'm looking for £230 ONO.

I've also got two Bugatti Royal folding cycles in very good condition; tough and easily adjustable in size so suitable for all. They are very bright yellow so offer good visibility to others. When folded, they fit into a couple of laundry bags and are easily stowed in a cockpit locker (or the car boot, of course). There are a few bits: bike lock / spare tube / tyre levers. Would like £110 for the pair.

It's all in the Plymouth UK area, so reply / PM me on this site or contact me at if you're interested.


EDIT: I have been contacted by one of our regular posters who only wants one of the bikes, if possible. If there is someone else who would like the other bike then I'm happy to split them. Please contact me asap if you'd like the other.

EDIT2: MY DEAR LADY-WIFE HAS ASKED ME TO WITHDRAW THE BIKES! as she wants to keep them when we downsize the car in the new year... grrrrrrrrrr. I'm really sorry for the change of plan.
