Author Topic: Temperature alarm  (Read 3554 times)


  • Able Seaman
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Temperature alarm
« on: February 18 2013, 11:24 »
While winterising the MD2020 from bucket of 50/50 antifreeze,  temp alarm went off.  Belt was OK and engine continued to suck the 50/50 antifreeze out of bucket so assume impeller was also OK.  Anybody any ideas what cause might be?  Had run engine in gear for about 20mins before in in order to warm her up before winterising with no problems.


  • Old Salt
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Re: Temperature alarm
« Reply #1 on: November 17 2014, 10:03 »
You don't say how the suction into the bucket of antifreeze mix was set up, whether it was in addition to the main cooling water coming in from the outlet on the saildrive, or if it was instead of that main flow. If it was instead of the main flow from the sail drive and if it was just an open ended hose for sake of example, did you hold the end of the hose away from the bottom or sides of the bucket? If not, then the suction could have resulted in the hose end becoming sucked against the bottom or side of the bucket and thereby cutting off the flow of coolant with consequent overheat.