Author Topic:  (Read 6506 times)


  • Swab
  • Posts: 2
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  • Boat Year: 2009
« on: December 30 2011, 18:21 »
iSailRace offers event online result for sail race regatta scoring with real-time analytics specially designed for sailors by sailors worldwide.

Event organizers looking for sail race event regatta scoring with real-time analytics online result anywhere in the world? Signup now at for free!

iSailRace is a free web based application designed to make the results from sailing races more accessible. We do this by making the setup and scoring of the event easier for the organizer, allowing them to get off the water and score the even faster than ever before. Combined with a login for each sailor, providing a profile with links to all the events they have raced in. All this within one website...for FREE.

iSailRace was built by sailors, for sailors. We are the kind of sailors who spend the "drifters" in-front of a computer screen writing code. We were tired of waiting for our results, and then trying to decipher trends in our sailing performance.  We love sailing, we love software, and we thought others would enjoy seeing what we've built. So go ahead, enjoy!