Author Topic: steering backlash  (Read 3428 times)


  • Able Seaman
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  • Boat Model: bavaria 41
  • Boat Year: 2003
steering backlash
« on: June 16 2014, 02:09 »
I have just purchased a bavaria 41.
It as a backlash in of about 15 degrees in the steering.
When I opened the pedestal I found I could displace the chain by about 50mm and then limited by the two legs of the chain touching something.
There appears to be no tensioning idler sprocket or some other device to take up the slack.
I have also unacceptable backlash in the rudder which I can turn be hand about 10 degrees.
I think I may be missing something from the system.
Would be grateful for comment and help



  • Able Seaman
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Re: steering backlash
« Reply #1 on: June 16 2014, 09:59 »
This is just based around what is on my 36.  The chain has a screw adjuster unit as part of it. You need to have the rudder right over (can't remember which way) to access it (on mine) through an inspection cover in the pedastool.  Thing is, if the chain you have was the correct length (in no of links) when it was fitted and adjusted up correctly and you now have 2" + of play, you may need a replacement.  If you need to take some links out to tighten it, then such a badly worn chain made tight again to fit, will wear out your sprockets as the pitch will be wrong.  If you do have an adjuster, maybe it has just come loose, so that is worth checking.  If your sprockets are still good (not hooked or damaged, then it maybe worth taking the chain off and checking wear in the rollers.

Alternatively, if there if defo no adjusters anywhere, then there will probably be a split-link somewhere on the chain.

Apols if I its sounds like I am teaching Granny etc!!