Author Topic: Guard rail stanchions  (Read 3821 times)


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Guard rail stanchions
« on: April 23 2014, 17:55 »
37 foot Holiday.there is a lot of movement in stanchions and the gel coat is crazed ,they also leak water to the inside.What can I do, how difficult will it be to repaired and is it going to be expensive ?.


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Re: Gaurd rail stanchions
« Reply #1 on: April 24 2014, 18:10 »
On my Bav 38 it was possible to loose the stanchion from its base and access the bolt holding the base to the deck,I seem to remember having to get to the nuts inside the cupboards inside to hold the nut while tightening the bolt.Eventually( a year later) I paid a man who fitted two new fastenings to each stanchion and sealed them. Its been OK since (5 years) .I dont think it cost too much.The boats in Spain so Ill check the paperwork on my next visit and let you know