Hmm, even more strange then - my panel voltmeters are digital, Suibhne, I didn't know they had been fitted with analogues. Was that a while ago or is it an option that's still available? (I was going to say 'current option' but thought it might detract from the seriousness of the thread, ahem). No, I don't have a solar panel and when I did the tests, the main switch was on but all panel switches were off. If I can find a failed component then I can replace it but I can't think what would produce such a discrepancy. I would gladly accept < 0.3V difference, Battuta. I'm getting 1.2 - 1.6V differences, even more when the motor is on and it's charging. Oh well, thanks for your input anyway, guys; the search goes on....
ATB, Mark
*stop press* just notified of your comment, Landes_h. Good point but I own two different multimeters and have tried both. However, they are similar in type and a test with a better one is a good idea. Also, hadn't thought about a potentiometer. I would like to investigate that but, as another of my Help requests shows, my Owner's Manual wiring diagrams are absolutely terrible and I can't read them. There might be something in them that I haven't seen (see thread 'Diagrams needed'). Perhaps a quick call to Dan at Clipper about calibrating might be in order. Thanks again all.