Author Topic: Voltage readings on Switch Panel  (Read 6439 times)


  • Old Salt
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Voltage readings on Switch Panel
« on: April 21 2014, 21:44 »
Can anyone tell me if it is normal for the standard voltmeter readings on the switch panel (B34 / 2001) to read rather higher than the actual battery outputs? When switched on but no engine running, no loads and the shore charger disconnected, a digital multimeter displays expected voltages (12.8v - 12.9v) for all batteries. The panel voltmeters, on the other hand, are showing anything from 13.9v to 14.8v. The domestic batteries (2 x 140ah) are new and the starter battery was tested by Lucas recently and found to be very good nick.

If anyone has any idea what the problem is, I'd be mighty obliged. I've googled around but haven't found any mention about funny voltmeter readings so I'm baffled. Hope someone can help...

ATB, Mark



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Re: Voltage readings on Switch Panel
« Reply #1 on: April 22 2014, 06:46 »
That is really odd. Sounds like something is seriously wrong there.

My panel reading is off too (2009 B31 Cruiser), but always 0.1 - 0.2 V lower than a digital meter reading directly the batteries.

Not sure what to suggest to you...

Vancouver, Canada


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Re: Voltage readings on Switch Panel
« Reply #2 on: April 22 2014, 09:08 »
Analoge meters like Bavaria fit are not as accurate as digital meters.
I use the Bav meters as indicators only.
On the water tank scale one of my meters will not drop below 10%.
Another possible reason might be if a solar panel is fitted.


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Re: Voltage readings on Switch Panel
« Reply #3 on: April 22 2014, 11:40 »
Get a second opinion, i.e. borrow a digital meter from somebody and check again. It may well be that the PCB behind the switch board has potentiometer where you can calibrate the Volt meter of the display.
Mine is analog meters, don't know about the digital panel meters.
Bavaria 38 / 2003 berth Portoroz, Slowenia


  • Old Salt
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Re: Voltage readings on Switch Panel
« Reply #4 on: April 22 2014, 11:58 »
Hmm, even more strange then - my panel voltmeters are digital, Suibhne, I didn't know they had been fitted with analogues. Was that a while ago or is it an option that's still available? (I was going to say 'current option' but thought it might detract from the seriousness of the thread, ahem). No, I don't have a solar panel and when I did the tests, the main switch was on but all panel switches were off. If I can find a failed component then I can replace it but I can't think what would produce such a discrepancy. I would gladly accept < 0.3V difference, Battuta. I'm getting 1.2 - 1.6V differences, even more when the motor is on and it's charging. Oh well, thanks for your input anyway, guys; the search goes on....

ATB, Mark

*stop press* just notified of your comment, Landes_h. Good point but I own two different multimeters and have tried both. However, they are similar in type and a test with a better one is a good idea. Also, hadn't thought about a potentiometer. I would like to investigate that but, as another of my Help requests shows, my Owner's Manual wiring diagrams are absolutely terrible and I can't read them. There might be something in them that I haven't seen (see thread 'Diagrams needed'). Perhaps a quick call to Dan at Clipper about calibrating might be in order. Thanks again all.



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Re: Voltage readings on Switch Panel
« Reply #5 on: April 22 2014, 15:48 »
"Hmm, even more strange then - my panel voltmeters are digital, Suibhne"

I have a 2003 Bav36 and the meter is analogue.
I looked at a number of Bavaria's before buying and they all had analogue meters.
Perhaps the newer Bavarias have digital meters and maybe even back then both types were being fitted.
Take the electrical panel out (mine swings open) perhaps you can get access to the panel voltmeter connections.
If so check these connections with your digital multimeter.


  • Old Salt
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Re: Voltage readings on Switch Panel
« Reply #6 on: April 22 2014, 17:15 »
Thanks for your note, Suibhne. I've just had a chat with Dan at Clipper. It looks like there are several different panel options available. He sent me a pdf of a 201 type but mine is a 420 although 'Figaro' is circa 2001. The 201 panel has analogue voltmeter on the right & switches on the left (same as yours?). The 420 has digital voltmeter on the left and water level indicator on the right with the switches below. No wonder I was getting confused. Anyway, Dan is trying to get hold of the appropriate 420 info for me, which may show trimming pots as mentioned by landes_h. My panel swings out too so I'll do some testing as soon as I get the wiring diagrams - good call on that.


Mark, Plymouth



  • Old Salt
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Re: Voltage readings on Switch Panel
« Reply #7 on: April 23 2014, 19:18 »
Quick update: Down at the boat today and opened the back of the 420 panel. The units for the voltage / water level digital readouts are sealed and there was nothing that looked like a trimmer pot anywhere. Back to the drawing board it seems. Ho Hum.

