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Volvo Penta air filter

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Trapeze Artist:
I also have a D1-30 and recoil at the price of the air filter. So far I have never changed it, on the basis that it lives in the most undusty environment I could imagine. I' have to do it some day though and when it comes I'll cut the box open and go to my tame car accessory man to find a filter that fits.

Current ideas for reassembling the filter casing:

* Glue along the joint I have cut
* Jubilee clips
* Long screws and nuts right through the filter case

The filter element in the case is glued to the inside of the unit and not really replaceable. Although I have not yet sourced a complete replacement filter unit and housing (from a car/lorry manufacturer) it is on my 'bucket list' of things to do.

No I have not done on my yacht but have done on plenty of Lister engines over the years. We would put a "Donaldson" air filter housing on with a hose as mentioned and move the filter away from the black exhaust. If you contact a filter supplyer and show them what you have they I am sure will have something off the shelf. Also lieke someone else has mentioned the filter in the yacht will last a long time as the air is very clean, I don't expect to change mine for a few years at least.


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