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Fridge to drawers


Hi We had one of the Waeco bar fridges on our Bavaria 42. It was great at the dock but since we've been cruising it drove me nuts with how often it came on. So I was real happy when it died, my wife was a little suspicious, as I have been talking about removing and installing drawers previously. So here are a couple of pics to show what I've done and we're both pleased with the results.

Looks very good :-)  ... but how do you manage cooling capacity now?
On my B50, I have the standard built-in fridge plus a Waeco "bar" fridge like the one you just removed, and I find it very limited when cruising. Freezing capacity is about 2 litres, barely enough for a daily quantity of ice cream!

Thanks for that Viking.
For a freezer we use a portable Engel45 so all is good and much better as far as energy consumption and ice cream ;D. We have it in one of the aft cabins(garage) where I installed extra cabinets for spares etc.

Also frustrated with the Waeco bar fridge in my 07 Vision 40 which also has a counter top fridge. I replaced the Waeco with an Isotherm CR 63 freezer. It was a simple drop in with minimal adjustment. The cr63 is all freezer and runs less than the Waeco. Contents are maintained rock hard frozen and we make cubes. The original top loader provides lots of fridge capacity but could use some improved insulation- have already lined the underside of the lid.


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