Member Forums > Bavaria Yacht Help!

Battery charger


Hi all, On my 2004 Bav 32 Cruiser I have left the shore power connected permanently in order to allow the charger to maintain the capacities of the batteries during winter in France. I did this as I'll only be back on my boat next April.
My question: is there any risk by doing so ?
Thanks for your reactions.

solar: April?
I never left my charger alone for more them 2/3 months and always needed to add some water to batt's after that long.
IF you ment THIS April,no problem I think,if all is in good working order.
And YES...there is always some danger with live wires...
Can't you just ask someone to flip off the shore power switch at the box on the fonton if longer?

I couldn't sleep a single night the hole winter. Ever heard about lightning, electronic equipment failing and catching fire, batteries overheating and cracking (acid in the bilge  :-\ ), and and and. Your insurance would certainly step back and blame you for negligence.
The best you can do is to get a solar panel (50W should be enough) to trickle charge over winter time. This should be enough provided there is no load to the batteries.

You may find that your anodes erode more quickly if the shore power is on continuously.


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