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Locker Catches (Bavaria 32 2003)


Dear all I am replacing one of the Locker Catches (Bavaria 32 2003) I have found ones that look close (not Bavaria) But the lock hole sizes vary some require a 20 mm hole and others a 25 mm hole. I am not close to the boat so can't measure if the Bavaria ones are 20 or 25 mm. Can someone tell me or measure the holes for me?

I am also looking to replace the leisure battery presently a Halford's 115ah one, any recommendations for a replacement?
Kind regards

If your boat has the original Bosch style batteries you may well find your choice constrained by the dimensions and particularly the position of the terminal posts. If you have a separate engine start battery then a deep cycle rather than a leisure battery is probably a better choice.

My 2002 Bav 32 needed its original battery replaced three years ago, and I had decided that I needed some more AH. I got this one It is a heavy piece of kit, but has performed well, and no complaints so far. It fits under the starboard bunk OK, and the terminals are fine for the existing wiring (on my boat - check yours for yourself). It does however need different securing arrangements from the fairly inadequate ones in the original fit.


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