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Volvo folding propeller on a Bavaria 33 with 130 Saildrive

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I am considering fitting a Volvo folding propeller to me Bavaria 33 when I get her. It will have a 130 saildrive.

Has anybody had experience with these propellers with regard  prop walk , corrosion, and power should I pick 2 or 3 bladed?

I have been told ther is a possibility the propeeler will not work as barnacles can grow on the gear teeth preventing the propeller opening.

I would appreciate hearing peoples experiences.

Regards Tony Revell   Bav 33   Moonshine

The Volvo propeller has a history of rapid anode erosion as a trawl through threads on here and other  forums will show.

Suggest you look at a FlexoFold - slightly more expensive but a better engineered product. If correctly sized (and Darglow Marine who distribute them in the UK will ensure you get the correct size), you will not find much change, if any, in motoring performance or handling compared with a fixed prop except a slight delay when you go into reverse. Common to all folding props. Significant reduction in drag and improvement in sailing performance, particularly in light airs. My experience on a Bav 37 and 130 Saildrive.

We've got a 3 blade folding Volvo prop on our 2009 B31 (130 Saildrive). Love it. Great power, low drag, quick to fold in/out, and rarely barnacles.

The only issue is the 3 part "collar" zincs burn through in about 6 months. Changing them regularly is a small price to pay for all the positives though.

Hope this helps with your decision.

Vancouver, Canada
s/v "Battuta"

Thank you for your response.   I am intending to fit an additional sacrificial anode which I hope would reduce the corrosion of the 3part anode. It will be fitted by Clipper marine who tell me they bolt it to the gearbox. As I have with read with great interest the comments regarding additional anodes. Hence my reason for asking them

Regards Tony
I am so grateful for all the help people have given me.

Afraid that will not do any good as the propeller is electrically isolated from the gearbox There is nothing you can do to increase the anode protection of the propeller, which is why you need to consider fitting a prop that is made of better materials. Otherwise you risk the possibility of having to renew the anodes after relatively short periods. Not all boats or locations suffer from high anode wastage, but definitely bolting an additional anode onto the gearbox will not make any difference. Suggest you read up on galvanic corrosion to understand why it will not work.


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