Author Topic: Bavaria 40 Tek Tanks new holding tank  (Read 2555 times)


  • Old Salt
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  • Posts: 297
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria
  • Boat Year: 2002
Bavaria 40 Tek Tanks new holding tank
« on: November 01 2024, 22:54 »
The big winter fit out jobs loom large, and as we want to visit Holland next year, at the top of that list is having at least one of the heads with a holding tank.

I figure a simple gravity assisted setup, with a deck pump out and diverter valve should do the trick, something like the Gravity Discharge with Charcoal Vent and Diverter Valve in the below.

I made a mock up of the 60 litre tank in the bat cave and it’s pretty huge. Has anyone got any photos of where they managed to stash theirs? I thought one of the cupboards in the heads might do, but for one I’d like the keep the stowage and for two I just don’t think there is enough space. How about mounted on the bulkhead behind and above the heads?

Can the pump out fitting be in the topsides rather than the deck? The fewer things to stub my toes on the better!

As ever thanks for your help.