Yes, we bought the alternator, the external regulator, the battery combiner, the pully kit, the smart Guage, shunt and Bluetooth sender and a universal arm. The tach seems to only need recalibration.
Aside from having to fabricate a new, quick adjust mounting arm which added a couple of hours, it was a straight forward full weekend project to installing and the next weekend shimming. Followed by a year of tweaking. If I were to change anything it would be to get the Victron electronic gauge.
The key is the external regulator manages the load (the brains!). It only produces full output when my bank needs it. We moved the start battery to the bulkhead above the engine behind the companionway stairs so that no additional heavy gauge wire pulling was needed.
Really the toughest part was convincing everyone at Balmar and their dealers that their fit guide was wrong and that the Prima and the MD22 Turbo as listed were the same engine block as the MD22L, which wasn't listed.
I have considered changing airflow in the engine bay to blow off more heat and to have it vent away from the cockpit; I've never liked that feature. The high amperage in the engine bay itself isn't really a concern.