I found this on the old website for i-sotec.com - on Internet Archive:
http://web.archive.org/web/20070125152354/http://www.i-sotec.de/en/products/auxeasy.htmlAuxgate® Easy
Affordable all-automatic navi-integration
Auxgate® Easy is the best way to connect a portable navigation system to the car radio. It is only 80x76x27mm and fits behind or underneath nearly every dashboard. Equipped with a phone jack for navigation input and a volume controll for the navigation input level, it is very easy to connect and to use.
The well known SCOM technology automatically mutes the car radio if a signal from the navigation is detected. The navigation output will be heard through the front speakers only. You can decide by jumper switches, wether the rear speakers are muted completly or partially.
Plug and Go: Auxgate® Easy can be connected to any car radio with standard ISO sockets with just one click via the in-series DIN/ISO-adapter. For more than 500 factory radio types with non-standard connections, i-sotec offers adapters.
Technische Daten Auxgate® Line
Operating voltage 11,3-14,4V DC
Input 1 x NavIn, 3,5 mm
i-sotec DIN/ISO adapter
(factory radio adapter optional)
Controlls master volume
80 x 76 x 27 mm
Warranty 24 months