Author Topic: Ocean 38 or 40 brochure, spec. sheet or manual  (Read 3901 times)


  • Swab
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Ocean 38 or 40 brochure, spec. sheet or manual
« on: November 03 2013, 19:42 »
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to track down a brochure, spec. sheet or manual for either a 38 or 40 Ocean. I suspect they may be 'hard copy' only, but if some kind soul could scan them, perhaps as a PDF doc. I'm sure others may also be interested.

So if any Ocean 38 or 40 owners, or anyone else such as dealers for that matter, have such documents, I'd be most grateful to hear from you.

Perhaps they could be added to the download page. Such documents would be a great resource for people looking for a particular model. Many thanks.