Yes, probably belt overload then. The belt has a maximum of power it can transmit. A bigger alternator (under load) is drawing more power from the belt, meaning it is harder to turn, causing the belt to slip. So normally, with a bigger alternator you should also fit a bigger/better belt, meaning either a multi-v belt or twin single belts. Either solution requires changing the pulleys, which are super expensive. We had the same problem with our Balmar 100A alternator.
You can replace belts as they get chewed up, but if it's constantly slipping it will get destroyed pretty fast and leave a lot of dust (not great for the alternator). There's industrial belts that perform slightly better (Gates ESC and XZ). With our Balmar regulator it was also possible to reduce the maximum output of the alternator to match what the belt can handle, somewhere around 80% was fine with the improved belts.