Author Topic: depth sounder not working after new antifoul  (Read 2114 times)


  • Able Seaman
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depth sounder not working after new antifoul
« on: January 30 2024, 08:48 »
I have a very faithful Stowe depth sounder giving 25 years of perfect service (housed in a wet well) which developed an issue after I applied a new band of anti-foul.
The instrument fails to consistently register a reply pulse. The instrument blinks with the last good measurement.
Works perfectly when I put the sensor over the side.
I have cleaned out the wet well and replaced the water.
Has anyone else experienced similar problems.



  • Old Salt
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Re: depth sounder not working after new antifoul
« Reply #1 on: January 31 2024, 11:42 »
Ours is an even older Autohelm, though it's a 'through hull' unit, so the face of the transponder gets a liberal coating of antifouling each season....
And it doesn't seem to affect it's performance..... Maybe after 25 years a fault has occurred (water penetration?).....
If you can find what the specified resistance (ohms) should be, it might indicate that it's time is up.................Bill.