Author Topic: Inverter wiring using existing 220v sockets  (Read 3017 times)


  • Swab
  • Posts: 4
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  • Boat Model: 42 Cruiser
  • Boat Year: 2005
Inverter wiring using existing 220v sockets
« on: February 23 2024, 16:38 »
Hi everyone,

Posting this in case anyone finds it useful.

I wanted a better way of wiring our Sterling inverter into the boat so that power would be available at all the sockets around the saloon & cabins AND BE SAFE.

This requires some mods because you don't want to be running the inverter to drive the battery charger to charge the battery to drive the inverter...! Ditto for water heater... I took a look at the Bavaria panel (2005 version) and managed to find the same connector part types used originally by Bavaria so it could be returned to stock if ever desired. I also wanted to keep to a manual switch rather than a more expensive inverter/charger layout.

I found some purpose made solutions for this, but they still required changes to the panel, so I decided to do my own.

The changeover switch now switches power sockets onboard between shore and inverter power while keeping the big users ie water heater and battery charger on shore power only.

Attached are some photos - if anyone is interested. Its nearly finished - comments welcome!

***Disclaimer - this is what we are doing*** It isn't a guarantee it will work for you. Please get anything electrical checked by a professional.