Author Topic: Bavaria 32 (2003) Saildrive Propeller - Specs/Advice on folding prop.  (Read 5059 times)


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Attached is a photo of my 2-bladed, fixed propeller. It is on my 2003 Bav 32.

The sail drive is a Volvo Penta MS25S, 2.47:1, and the engine a Volvo Penta MD2020 (18 hp).

The boat is in the water at the moment so I cannot see the exact spec of the propeller. Has anyone got the same and can tell me the spec.

When sailing, with neutral engaged (as recommended by VP) the whine from the gearbox suggests a lot of drag from the spinning fixed prop, so I considering replacing with a folding one.

What is the specification for a folding prop on my set-up?

Grateful for any advice.



  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 36
  • Boat Year: 2002
I have the same engine, saildrive and reduction ratio on my B36(2002), and that was fitted originally with a 16" x 11" two bladed aluminium propeller. It is now fitted with a bronze two bladed folding prop of the same dimensions, and with both propellers the engine was/is able to reach close to the maximum rpm for this engine. Being a slightly larger boat however might result in my prop being of slightly different size to that fitted on your boat, though I don't think it would be very significantly different.


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 33
  • Boat Year: 2015
Rather than guessing, your chosen supplier of a folding prop will sell you the correct size, which is not always the same as a fixed prop. Suggest you contact Darglow Marine who supply FlexoFold, which are arguably the best. they have an extensive database of boats they have supplied props for and will supply the correct size.

Just for information my 33 came with a 16*13 fixed from the factory, but the FlexoFold is a 16*11 and it is spot on.

  • Swab
  • Posts: 1
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  • Boat Model: 32
  • Boat Year: 2003
I just took original (I think) propeller off my 2003 Bav 32 to get size for ordering replacement. Stamped 15 x 11 LH. Thought I would share for anyone else looking up this thread.


  • Old Salt
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  • Boat Model: B33
  • Boat Year: 2015
Yes, that is the standard size for a fixed blade prop. However if replacing it with a folding prop the size may not be the same so take the suppliers recommendation