Hi I have a Bavaria 38 1999 and last year had to change my rudder bearings which meant disabling and disconnecting the Auto arm from the rudder shaft , Since then my Auto Pilot does not work and sends me into a spin soon as it is engaged.
I'm just picking up on this problem again as had a chap at the boat yard tried to help me but never got anywhere.
Im going through my ST 60 owners manual , but losing my a bit , as I'm unsure if I need to re-set it to dealers settings or try and re-calibrate it . Can anyone help at all please.
Cheers Gary
Further update : Chap just emailed me and suggested I look at the 'Rudder position indicator ' which he explained is a metal bar attached to the rudder shaft below decks and we may have put this back on the wrong way when putting the auto arm assembly back on the rudder, I didn't help with this bit when we put the rudder back in after changing the bearings in the rudder , so I will have to get up to speed on the RPI indicator .