Low voltage..??
the plotter would quit if the DC supply fell below a fairly high specified value... (It happened to me on my brothers boat many years ago)
At the voltage the plotter quits at, and if you've got LED lights they could still appear quite normal..
The engine of course will run all day with no power, starting it again could be problematic though..
As the voltage falls away other services will fail in turn..
Not sure what you mean by a breaker 'pulsing', if there's a fault a breaker will just 'pop', and it's quite normal to reset it once, but if it 'pops' a second time then assume a fault and deal with it later...
I'm only guessing, but I'd start with a multimeter, Check battery voltages (12.6v is perfect), then run the engine (if possible) and check again, it should be a volt or more higher...
If all seems normal on your multimeter then I haven't a clue to the problem,
If not then the problem is somewhere on the Alternator (Regulator)/ Splitter/ Batteries chain or their associated wiring...
Good luck, these electrical problems are always a real headache to troubleshoot...................