Author Topic: Hull zinc anode Bavaria 40 2008  (Read 4208 times)


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Hull zinc anode Bavaria 40 2008
« on: January 21 2019, 20:49 »
Have you any informations how to change it avoiding water infiltrations by its bolt?


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Re: Hull zinc anode Bavaria 40 2008
« Reply #1 on: January 22 2019, 05:56 »
Zinc Hull anode should be held on by a nyloc nut on the anode. You should be able to dive down and undo this nut and replace the anode without any water coming into the boat.

To be sure, have someone inside the boat to hold the other end, just to make sure that the through hull bolt does not turn as you undo the nut.

" Shirley Valentine"
Gold Coast


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Re: Hull zinc anode Bavaria 40 2008
« Reply #2 on: November 25 2022, 17:36 »
How do this zinc anode works?
There is a wire inside the hull.
Where the wire go an why?


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Re: Hull zinc anode Bavaria 40 2008
« Reply #3 on: November 25 2022, 17:51 »
How do this zinc anode works?
There is a wire inside the hull.
Where the wire go an why?

It's a safety earthing point, to help prevent people being electrocuted in the water if there's a shorepower fault.


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Re: Hull zinc anode Bavaria 40 2008
« Reply #4 on: November 25 2022, 18:16 »
Are you sure or is only a your idea?
The manual say as potential equalizer.


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Re: Hull zinc anode Bavaria 40 2008
« Reply #5 on: November 25 2022, 19:11 »
Trace the wire to find what it is attached to. I understand some boats from that period have this anode wired to the gearbox housing so adding protection to the saildrive. However  it is probably ineffective as the ring anode will deplete first because it is closer to the drive in the water. So it is not "sharing" but will only be effective when the ring anode has gone completely.

tiger79 is correct. On post 2012 boats the "anode" is in fact an earthing point to water for the 240V system as required by the RCD in the 2012 revision. It is not retrospective though. However, I am just installing a 240v system on the old boat I am refitting and have used a button anode as the earthing point. Just the same as on my old 2015 33.


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Re: Hull zinc anode Bavaria 40 2008
« Reply #6 on: November 26 2022, 16:43 »
I received a professional answere:
"Per chi ne ha voglia può leggersi la norma ISO EN 13297 Small craft - Electrical systems - Alternating and direct current installations
che recentemente ha incorporato la ISO EN10133 e per completezza la CEI 64-8,
forse la traduzione del manuale Bavaria non è perfetta, il conduttore di EP è semplicemente il conduttore che deve portare tutte le masse allo stesso potenziale,
Lo zinco di cui si parla in questo caso è il dispersore o nodo equipotenziale EP, ed ha funzione sia per la Cc che per la Ac, (sarebbe più consono utilizzare una piastra in bronzo sferitico, ma siccome a massa c'è anche bulbo ed in certi casi linea asse, elica, cavallotto, lo zinco previene la corrosione di quest'ultimi),
di fatto quando siete collegati in banchina la terra del 220 di bordo è collegata alla maglia di terra del marina, e quindi (a meno di sistemi isolati) il Vs. bulbo, la vostra linea d'asse etc...
ma una volta in navigazione se ci sono generatori o inverter Ac, le apparecchiature in Ac devono comunque avere un dispersore al quale sono collegate tutte le masse, ed è esso il nostro soggetto."
For those who want to, read the ISO EN 13297 Small craft - Electrical systems - Alternating and direct current installations
which recently incorporated the ISO EN10133 and for completeness the CEI 64-8,
perhaps the translation of the Bavaria manual is not perfect, the EP conductor is simply the conductor who must bring all masses to the same potential,
The zinc referred to in this case is the earth electrode or equipotential node EP, and has a function for both the Cc and the Ac, (it would be more appropriate to use a spherical bronze plate, but since there is also a bulb and in some cases shaft line, propeller, U-bolt, zinc prevents corrosion of the latter),
in fact, when you are connected to the quay, the earth of the 220 on board is connected to the earth grid of the marina, and therefore (unless isolated systems) your bulb, your axis line, etc...
but once underway if there are AC generators or inverters, the AC equipment must still have a grounding device to which all the masses are connected, and this is our subject.