My boat was painted with VC17m by previous owned and since then I have annually painted with SVB Seatec GTI30 as it is about the only reasonably priced alternative that sticks to previous coat. We are living on area with mandatory winter haul-out on the hard due to cold winters.
As this type of paint relies on smooth slick (PTFE?) surface and added copper powder, I have been wondering if I could exted the effeciveness of the paint beyond one season. Northern Baltic brackish water does have only limited fouling compared to warmer oceanic environment.
I wet sanded a section of bottom down to 400-grit giving really smooth surface and revealing some fresh copper surface - the rest of the bottom was given another layer of GTI30. I did not want to experiment with the whole bottom, as failure would lead to massive cleaning of the fouling in the autumn. (The first year the broker just re-launched the boat without additional antifouling layer - and the cleaning was quite massive job)
Results: to be seen by end of October 2022 - maybe some interval snorkling if weather allows. I will report in any case - also for learning if failed for others to avoid the trouble.
s/y Anniina