Author Topic: Empty Loom tube/conduit routing from mast to ??? on Ocean 38.  (Read 1683 times)


  • Able Seaman
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  • Posts: 112
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  • Boat Model: Ocean 38
  • Boat Year: 1998
I am out cruising in the Puget Sound on our 1998 Ocean 38. 

Last night at dusk we had another encounter with a late-comer who wanted to anchor in our swing zone (fifth time this summer-argh!)  After being assured by the 16 year old, foul mouthed mate that they knew what they were doing, that America is a free country and that if we were concerned about their proximity to us in a tight, strong current and big tide anchorage and if we didnt like them being so close maybe we should just leave.  No.

Promptly captain dad left the 16 year old mate aboard so as to walk the dog ashore and as we predicted the boat settled within 5 feet from us as the tide changed.  When we said they definitely had to move now to avoid the inevitable collision we learned that neither spouse nor kids aboard knew how to operate the boat.  Nice!  Dad returned , they eventually pulled anchor in the dark, yelled at us silly insults but apparently realized they were in the wrong and moved.

I awoke today and decided that today is the day to install a loud hailer up the mast.  I opened the two trim panels wrapping the mast and found an empty loom tube / conduit tube bonded in place next to one fully packed with wire.  Seems like the problem I am experiencing was anticipated
 23 years ago by the engineers at Bavaria.  Score one for Bavaria!

The problem I now have which I am seeking help is where does this loom tube exit?  I can get the wire puller /fish tape about 7 feet down the loom where it stops hard and won't make the next bend (if present). 

Does anyone know if this apparently perfect and empty tube goes all the way to the distibution panel or end somewhere else like the starboard cockpit vent? 

Thanks so much to the community!  You all make owning a Bavaria a great experience.


  • Second Mate
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  • Posts: 35
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  • Boat Model: Ocean 38
  • Boat Year: 2000
Hello Jeff,

The conduit full of cables, as you no doubt surmised is the masthead and steaming lights.
The other end of this was next to the bulkhead on in the shower cabinet. It's too full to use, and when I replaced my mast wire runs, those wires would not budge. More on that in a minute.

I think the empty one goes to behind the starboard companionway vent (or instrument). I couldn't use it, and (perhaps unwisely?) just ran the cables carefully in the ceiling void. From there, I had an unused conduit that went to behind the nav station, right next to the bulkhead.  Now that I'm thinking about this, I seem to recall it is the same conduit, but broken open there next to the companionway, where it makes a sharp turn.  Not sure what happened with it, but I would suggest removing what's there and having a peek.

Related, I went to replace the final segment of coax for the vhf. This is the one between the radio and the base of the mast. Imagine my dismay when I found the conduit for the coax, had a casual cable staple, preventing the cable from moving, approximately a third of the way through the run.