Author Topic: Bav 39 plumbing  (Read 4739 times)


  • Swab
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Bav 39 plumbing
« on: August 21 2013, 19:32 »
Has anyone got a good handle on the plumbing of a 2006 39?
I managed to fill the stern water tank with polluted water, but the fresh water in the forrard heads compartment also now appears to be foul.

The tank meters always show equal volumes, so I guess they communicate. Is there a way of isolating them?

Boat manual in Portuguese, so not helpful!

Thanks all



  • Old Salt
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Re: Bav 39 plumbing
« Reply #1 on: August 21 2013, 23:15 »
There should be a schematic of the plumbing in the handbook. Does not need words. The two tanks are probably separate and there is a changeover valve to select which tank you want to use just before the pump. Normally downstream of that valve the system is common, but the water cannot transfer from one tank to the other.


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Re: Bav 39 plumbing
« Reply #2 on: August 22 2013, 06:17 »

Attahed one page from owners manual.

Changeover valve should be on the middle head.
Inside cupboard under the sink.

If meters always show equal volumes.
It might be there have been done some modifications on plumbing..

"Is there a way of isolating them?"

Should be already isolated...



  • Swab
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Re: Bav 39 plumbing
« Reply #3 on: August 22 2013, 10:37 »
Thanks for that. All makes sense on paper, but doesnt explain what's happening on the boat!


  • Old Salt
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Re: Bav 39 plumbing
« Reply #4 on: August 29 2013, 18:23 »
Hi, passed by you on my way to the med, didn't stop until Almeria though. My 2005/6 bav 39 tank valve is 2 position and selects either rear or front tank. You can't turn water off completely except by switching off pump. How badly polluted did the front tank get after the rear one got polluted? There shouldn't be aNy way to cross feed water. Maybe the pipe work downstream of the selector is badly contaminated making forward tank water appear to be polluted.

Have you accessed the forward tank inspection hatch to see what the water is like directly in the tank?


  • Swab
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Re: Bav 39 plumbing
« Reply #5 on: August 29 2013, 19:11 »
Thanks, my stupidity! Assumed forrard heads supplied by forrard tank, so  both tanks weren't contaminated. Got crossover valve sorted and cleaned out the aft tank so all well. Have a good time in the Med. just need to get my work life balance sorted so I can follow you!


  • Old Salt
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Re: Bav 39 plumbing
« Reply #6 on: August 29 2013, 20:00 »
Glad to hear you got it sussed, took me a while. On three week passage we didn't finish using aft tank   But managed to figure out the plumbing and also found how the tank gauge works. Select the rocker to the right for the rear and needle will go to the approximate contents in quarter increments but needle flicks between 2 positions if its somewhere between.  Seemed to take ages to move off full indication but realised that was because we were so frugal with our water use - we didn't smell honest! We were so worried the gauge wasn't working we opened the tank inspection hatches to do a visual check.