Author Topic: Jefa Rudder Removal  (Read 1884 times)


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Jefa Rudder Removal
« on: May 29 2022, 18:08 »
I realize I'm revisiting an old topic but...

Trying to remove the rudder on my 2015 Vision42. The rudder is held in with a funny split nut that appears to require q special wrench to remove it as its' round. The nut is split and pinched together with a couple of set screws to lock it to the threads on the end of the rudder stock The nut then rides on a nylon or Teflon bushing allowing it to turn while holding the rudder in place vertically. The set screws are only in the nut and do not make contact anywhere else. I broke the head off of one screw and managed to remove the other. Still with me? so, how do I get the nut off? It appears to be anodized Aluminum threaded on to the Aluminum rudder stock. I think there's a bit of corrosion holding the nut on. Cutting the nut is not really an option. I have soaked it with WD40 overnight and will try again today.

Any ideas?



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Re: Jefa Rudder Removal
« Reply #1 on: May 29 2022, 19:39 »
you have to loosen the x screw in the split nut at first. Than take ,sorry I am german nativ speaker, the stirnlochschlüssel like thisührlochschlüssel&qid=1653849451&sprefix=stirnlochschlüssel%2Caps%2C246&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExRFFGQ1EwTjkwSjBSJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwODk3NzU3SlI0WTM4NDVPUTRaJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyMjYzNzgzS1UxUFFZUEdLR0NYJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

loose the split nut complete.
than have a look at jefa maintenance video on youtube take a long wooden 10x10 peace and give some hits on top of the rudder.
it will come done than


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Re: Jefa Rudder Removal
« Reply #2 on: June 01 2022, 01:43 »
Thanks for the help Paul. Unfortunately I can't get the nut off. I wonder if they used some kind on locking glue on the nut, they used Loctite on the set screws. I may resort to cutting it off and buying a new one.



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Re: Jefa Rudder Removal
« Reply #3 on: June 01 2022, 07:41 »
Maybe a mixture of acetone and atf oil (for automatic gearboxes etc) 50%:50% will work instead of wd40. Use sparingly and protect all plastic parts from this stuff. If this doesn't work, nothing will do!


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Re: Jefa Rudder Removal
« Reply #4 on: June 01 2022, 09:14 »
Acetone + ATF oil makes miracles. I managed to open some stuck turnbuckles soaking with this combo while WD40 was useless.

Applying heat may also help, both due to thermal expansion and softening possible thread lock compound. The difficult thing is to limit the heat and prevent adjacent gelcoat / fiberglass damage.


s/y Anniiina


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Re: Jefa Rudder Removal
« Reply #5 on: June 01 2022, 11:36 »
I think someone must have used "Extra Lock" and that can be difficult to remove. The set screw will only pinch the tread to stop it getting undone, no thread-lock is needed. It should be a straight forward removal. If you broke the set screw you're going to need to drill it out and use an "easy-out" and heat, quite difficult though as the thick rudder stock will dissipate heat very fast for it to be effective. Otherwise drill the screw out and re-tap the hole, alternatively replace the nut.
Don't forget to support the rudder blade before you start undoing the nut, otherwise it will be damaged!


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Re: Jefa Rudder Removal
« Reply #6 on: June 04 2022, 17:58 »
Well. The nut was not going to come off. I tried the ATF and Acetone, heat, PB Blaster and WD 40. No joy. So I cut the nut vertically about 90% of the way through and used a wedge to open it up. It's now off! The down side is the 3 weeks to get a new one. I can't believe how much pounding it took to get the rudder out. We made a lot of kindling out of blocks of wood. Thanks to all for your input/help on this.



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Re: Jefa Rudder Removal
« Reply #7 on: June 05 2022, 11:13 »
When I did my B42 (older model)  I threaded the excisting centre hole in the rudder stock, 14mm I think ???.  I  then put a narrow eye bold in and and winched the rudder back into position using the davits.  I worked a treat.  If you have somebody underneath pushing its even easier and lines the stock and bearing up perfectly.