We've just returned to the boat after a hot summer followed by a very wet and cold autumn/winter. We were happy to find everything was dry and mould free. The boat has a single dorade vent on the bow and two vents at the transom. That is enough for ventilation when not occupied. The dorade is opened and pointed away from the usual autumn storms (ours has a seal to close it in rough weather) and all vents covered with mosquito netting to keep insects out (rodents won't fit the vent grille outside). The boat must be leak free, as water sitting in a puddle somewhere (bilge, locker or some inaccessible space) will cause much higher moisture levels.
If there's people on board which breathe out liters of moisture, it's a wholly different story and you need a dehumidifier (or heater with lots of ventilation, but that's a bit wasteful).
We also flushed the engine with fresh water and filled the tanks with a double dose of chlorinated water (which needs replacing now - only evil bottled water until then).