Author Topic: VPD2-40 Fuel bleed screw copper washer size?  (Read 1485 times)

Lazy Pelican

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VPD2-40 Fuel bleed screw copper washer size?
« on: November 20 2021, 09:24 »
Does anyone know the size of the Copper Washer goes under the head of the fuel bleed screw on a D2-40 engine?
I would measure it but the boat is in Greece and it’s something I forgot to do before we came home.

As an alternative should I use a Nylon or Fibre washer?



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Re: VPD2-40 Fuel bleed screw copper washer size?
« Reply #1 on: November 21 2021, 14:37 »
Tip: if you're stuck for a replacement copper washer you can always re-use the old one by annealing it. Just hold the washer with a suitable insulated piece of wire over a flame, such as the hob, for enough time for it to become red hot all over. Drop it into a glass of cold water and clean off the black deposit. The process softens the copper and renders the washer re-usable. My mechanic anneals new copper washers also, when possible.

Lazy Pelican

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Re: VPD2-40 Fuel bleed screw copper washer size?
« Reply #2 on: November 21 2021, 14:53 »
Thanks- I’ve discovered that the size is 6.3 x 12 x 1mm. Ordered cheaply from Simply Bearings.