The new Multiplus seems to be a complete redesign, the old series is still on their website so you can compare for yourself. Looks like they addressed one of the main critique points, which is that it was an enourmous, space consuming metal box that wasn't really suited to the small yacht market at all.
For sizing, you need to make sure your batteries can absorb the charge. AGM batteries typically shouldn't be charged at more than 0.3C (30% of total capacity per hour). With your bank of 230Ah, 70A charging current is just slightly over that limit, but definitely not going to be kind on them. Check your battery data sheet for the manufacturer's recommendation. For your current bank, the existing 40A charger is better suited and it would be cheaper to just add an inverter.
The Victron data sheets will tell you exactly what kind of batteries and what kind of charging regimes their units can supply.