Member Forums > Bavaria Yacht Help!


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Sorry, but Bavaria's reply is pure BS!
YM pro's are right!
Only Bronze/Merlone seacocks are real marine grade! All other Brass/SS/Copper etc are good only for bathrooms.
To save a dime they were ready to put us all in danger GRRRRR!
The cost of good marine grade seacocks is almost nothing in the total cost of any boat.
Let them put their money where their mouth is! Will they pay for any of our sunked boats if they are wrong? I wonder!
We as Bav owners should let them know what we think in this case and ask for a recall just like in the car/bike industry!

GOOD LUCK, with that!

Is anybody aware of any Bav with a failed seacock?  I haven't just wondering how big an issue this really is.

HI  ,  my experience with  seacocks is that the ones that fail , are mostly  from the  toilet  ,   as it is the salt end calcium  that clogs up ! 

Yacht Breeze:
The skin fittings are brass. Under EU regulations they are only required to last five years. It does seem penny-pinching not to fit marine grade kit but then Bavarias are budget boats. You get what you pay for. Will Bavaria upgrade to marine quality? Probably not, unless there's sufficient bad press such that they consider the cost of changing to marine grade fittings is less than they are losing in sales because of their continued use of brass.

As one well known proverb states: "Where there's muck, there's brass."


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