Member Forums > Bavaria Yacht Help!


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Hold on here ....... if people have been following all the detail in YM (and there is a lot of it), the best advice is to have a really thorough visual examination of the seacock itself first - for identifying marks and of course condition. If you have any concerns at that stage, take the worst one off at next lift-out, and do a deeper examination.

To add a little more commonsense ............ is it just possible that manufacturers are allowed, or do change specification or suppliers of parts over time? Of course ... my Bavaria 34 (1999) seems to have perfect seacocks after 13 years (pictures on request). So perhaps Bavaria have changed their specification in later years, but that doesn't mean to say that everything is wrong on all boats they ever made!

I don't hold any truck with "bashing Bavaria" (or any other manufuacturer, other makes are available) ..... but mention any manufacturer of any product, and there will always be one person with a different view. Bavaria have more boats out there on the water than most, so the law of numbers ...... and the chances of hearing about an issue ...... are always going to be greater.

I'd be interested to hear of any specific stories and experiences ......... from objective owners ...... lol


--- Quote from: PagetalPaul on February 14 2012, 09:34 ---Hold on here ....... if people have been following all the detail in YM (and there is a lot of it), the best advice is to have a really thorough visual examination of the seacock itself first - for identifying marks and of course condition. If you have any concerns at that stage, take the worst one off at next lift-out, and do a deeper examination.

To add a little more commonsense ............ is it just possible that manufacturers are allowed, or do change specification or suppliers of parts over time? Of course ... my Bavaria 34 (1999) seems to have perfect seacocks after 13 years (pictures on request). So perhaps Bavaria have changed their specification in later years, but that doesn't mean to say that everything is wrong on all boats they ever made!

I don't hold any truck with "bashing Bavaria" (or any other manufacturer, other makes are available) ..... but mention any manufacturer of any product, and there will always be one person with a different view. Bavaria have more boats out there on the water than most, so the law of numbers ...... and the chances of hearing about an issue ...... are always going to be greater.

I'd be interested to hear of any specific stories and experiences ......... from objective owners ...... lol

--- End quote ---

Sorry, but I can't understand your point!
Don't you think that a boat,any boat should be built with proper marine grade parts? especially an underwater,hard to inspect ,hidden part that can sink a boat in a blink?
And the only proper marine grade materials for marine seacocks today (ever?)are Bronze or Marlone!
I love my Bav boat, but when they're wrong (see my post about poor electric swim board lifters)...they are wrong!
The fact that your OEM seacocks or mine are still OK have nothing to do with YM excellent advise & campain in this case.
I'm sure that if 500 or more Bav owners would send VERY angry letters to Bav CEO asking for a free recall, we could get what we should get for our money in the first place,aka,proper marine grade parts and NOT house plumbing Brass/SS seacock toys.


--- Quote from: solar on February 14 2012, 14:06 ---
--- Quote from: PagetalPaul on February 14 2012, 09:34 ---Hold on here ....... if people have been following all the detail in YM (and there is a lot of it), the best advice is to have a really thorough visual examination of the seacock itself first - for identifying marks and of course condition. If you have any concerns at that stage, take the worst one off at next lift-out, and do a deeper examination.

To add a little more commonsense ............ is it just possible that manufacturers are allowed, or do change specification or suppliers of parts over time? Of course ... my Bavaria 34 (1999) seems to have perfect seacocks after 13 years (pictures on request). So perhaps Bavaria have changed their specification in later years, but that doesn't mean to say that everything is wrong on all boats they ever made!

I don't hold any truck with "bashing Bavaria" (or any other manufacturer, other makes are available) ..... but mention any manufacturer of any product, and there will always be one person with a different view. Bavaria have more boats out there on the water than most, so the law of numbers ...... and the chances of hearing about an issue ...... are always going to be greater.

I'd be interested to hear of any specific stories and experiences ......... from objective owners ...... lol

--- End quote ---

Sorry, but I can't understand your point!
Don't you think that a boat,any boat should be built with proper marine grade parts? especially an underwater,hard to inspect ,hidden part that can sink a boat in a blink?
And the only proper marine grade materials for marine seacocks today (ever?)are Bronze or Marlone!
I love my Bav boat, but when they're wrong (see my post about poor electric swim board lifters)...they are wrong!
The fact that your OEM seacocks or mine are still OK have nothing to do with YM excellent advise & campain in this case.
I'm sure that if 500 or more Bav owners would send VERY angry letters to Bav CEO asking for a free recall, we could get what we should get for our money in the first place,aka,proper marine grade parts and NOT house plumbing Brass/SS seacock toys.

--- End quote ---

While I can see where you are coming from, I guess the point is that we bought boats built to the CE standard in force at the time.   I have been under no illusion that I purchased budget boats and therefore there would need to be compromises on quality, however nothing I have found in the three Bavarias I have owned suggests to me that they have put me or my family in danger due to building the boats down to a price. 

I guess the only thing Bavaria could do to support all owners better is to provide a clear maintanance schedule for the first 10 years of the boats life.


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