Author Topic: Autopilot upgrade Raymarine Ev400/Ev200  (Read 2170 times)


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Autopilot upgrade Raymarine Ev400/Ev200
« on: August 05 2021, 21:08 »
I think most of us had changhed, on Bavaria m.y.2005/2010, the Raymarine autopilot S2 and S3 with new Raymarine EV 200 and Ev 400. The two weels models where equipped with Lewmar Mamba  1/4 hp motor. I replaced electronic  system  but not the motor, and  I think a lot of us did  the  same.
But I am asking if it is possibile to install a new more modern and poweful rotative  motor. Any of you has changed the old Lewmar Mamba?


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Re: Autopilot upgrade Raymarine Ev400/Ev200
« Reply #1 on: August 06 2021, 07:19 »
I think there is no need for a more powerful drive, 1/4HP is more than enough for our kind of boats.
There is no complicated electronic stuff inside, only electromechanic stuff like motors, gear and clutch.   
If you are thinking about a change, there are only 2 options to go (as fas as i know):
1)  1:1 change with another mamba drive, which is still available by lewmar (at boat prices!). Weak point of these drives is the clutch mechanism, see several threads on this forum. If your drive has currently no issues, there is no need to change
2) Replace with a jefa drive with a specific adapter set to replace mamba drives (a lot cheaper than the lewmar one), with another type of clutch, which should not have the same clutch issues as the lewmar one, but have issues with the rudder position sensor (see other threads on this forum). This is not a big thing, if you don't use this rudder sensor and keep/fit an external one. All newer bavarias have this drive as standard.

As i am sailing short handed, hand steering is no option for me.
I have the Mamba drive as standard, but purchased a jefa drive as a spare part to change, if the mamba will fail


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Re: Autopilot upgrade Raymarine Ev400/Ev200
« Reply #2 on: August 06 2021, 10:42 »
I aree with you.
Online a doubt, a friend o mine, that is a good Raymarine expert,  said me that Mamba could be the problem because  no enough  quick in response as a Raymarine lineare piston Type 2. You know if Jefa rotative motor is more quick than Mamba?


  • Old Salt
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Re: Autopilot upgrade Raymarine Ev400/Ev200
« Reply #3 on: August 09 2021, 07:45 »
I don't see any reason why the rotary drives should not be fast enough. I never had such an issue with my system. As the whole steering system has a lot of inertia of masses (especially the 2-wheel versions), faster versions of the motor would cause a lot more wear and tear.  As the speed of motor is determined to the applied signal from the AP, you should check the setup of your AP.

The only reason for changing to a linear AP drive is to get additional redundancy of the steering system due to the additional quadrant lever on the rudder stock, which allows steering the boat via AP if the original steering system fails. But this means you have to fit all this gear in advance (quadrant lever, fixed pedestal to fit the drive,...). 


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Re: Autopilot upgrade Raymarine Ev400/Ev200
« Reply #4 on: August 09 2021, 14:24 »
I agree with your opinion.
Reading Jefa site, they wrote own rotative motor has improved feature in spite to other motors. Is possible they compared their product to Lewmar Mamba motors.