Author Topic: Bavaria Vision42/Cruiser 41 hauling out and storage  (Read 1886 times)


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  • Boat Model: Bavaria Vison 42
  • Boat Year: 2015
So far, our ship was always cranned and stored by a Bavaria shipyard in Germany. Now we are the first time in Sardinia to go out of the water. Does anyone have a crane- or storage plan for the Bavaria Vision 42/Cruiser 41 ?

Thanks Ralph


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Re: Bavaria Vision42/Cruiser 41 hauling out and storage
« Reply #1 on: June 03 2021, 17:25 »
Nothing difficult about lifting with a hoist or a crane. The aft sling should be just in front of the saildrive - the factory places stickers on the hull to indicate where the drive is located and the forward sling in line or just in front of the mast. Storage will depend on the type of cradle used by the yard but usually it should rest on the keel and there should be at least 3 or 4 supports each side and perhaps a support at the bow.

Any proper yard will be very familiar with lifting this type of boat - there is nothing unusual about it. It is best to leave the job to the yard to decide.


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  • Boat Model: Bavaria Vison 42
  • Boat Year: 2015
Re: Bavaria Vision42/Cruiser 41 hauling out and storage
« Reply #2 on: June 04 2021, 06:17 »
Thank you very much, I had the thought that the shipyard had a plan for this, where possible bases can also be seen. Let's hope that the colleagues here on site know what they're doing.


  • Old Salt
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Re: Bavaria Vision42/Cruiser 41 hauling out and storage
« Reply #3 on: June 04 2021, 17:12 »
There is a section in the handbook on hauling out and storage ashore - end of section 9 in the handbook for my 33 built in the same year as your boat. Essentially says the same as I suggested but in more detail. I have used many different yards over the years (as well as being in charge of one for a time) and always found it best to leave it to the operators who know their machinery and cradles/supports. I keep my boat in a club and members have to provide their own cradles so most use adjustable cradles that can be dismantled and stored off site. I share with another member who has a Hanse370E and the staff adjust the cradle depending on which boat is in it, first resting on the keel and adjusting the level so it slopes slightly to the stern allowing water to drain and then bringing up the 3 supports on each side to keep it level and support the hull from movement. We have a Wise 20T travel hoist and the slings can be adjusted fore and aft to get the balance right so the boat is lifted and carried level. We have about 500 boats in the club varying from 20' dayboats to 40'+ cruisers, mostly sail. All very safe a free of drama.