Author Topic: Pv panel 0 volts and amps and a strange suggestion from the service  (Read 1663 times)


  • Old Salt
  • *****
  • Posts: 342
  • Karma: +2/-0
  • Boat Model: Bavaria 44
  • Boat Year: 2003
I noticed that after a week of installing a pair of 100w solar panels , one of them reads 0 voltage and 0 amps in sun . I tested directly from the junction box on sunlight . The service guy says that he will change it but suggested to wait 2-3 days and it might “wakes up” itself ???


  • Old Salt
  • *****
  • Posts: 1216
  • Karma: +3/-1
  • Boat Model: Bavaria 36
  • Boat Year: 2002
Sounds like a faulty connection or dead panel to me. I had two 100 watt panels fitted and neither of them ever needed a wake up call, but maybe the person who fitted them for you does !!