Author Topic: PLEASE BE WARNED  (Read 5676 times)


  • Swab
  • Posts: 22
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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 36
  • Boat Year: 2013
« on: June 08 2013, 22:26 »
My boat vjsii is now six months old
We bought it from clipper Woolverstone
That was the first mistake, they have both gone now under a cloud apparently
Clipper are the worst company I have ever had the misfortune to deal with
After six months I am still waiting for them to put right the list of faults with my boat, I have now given up and am going to get the boat surveyed and the work done my self then bill them for it, if need be taking them to court for the money, they have stopped taking my calls and emails and have repeatedly lied about when the work is going to be done
I have every plan to crucify them any way I can for causing me such misery, buying a new boat for me was a major investment, I am not a wealthy man and work very hard for my money, (as do we all)
Please think very carefully before even thinking about buying a boat from them, I know I will get a stack of people telling me how they had a wonderful experience buying from them, well well done you, I have had an absolute nightmare, if I could turn back the clock I would not even think of buying from them.
I am going to write to all the sailing mags with my story and if there is anybody legal out there who could advise me on other ways to get this sorted I would be much appreciative

I look forward to some replies WR can not carryon being treated as cash cows, just because we have got bats does not mean we have money to throw away
Please replie if you think you can advise me legally and I will contact you or give you my number
Thanks again
Stuart vjs11


  • Old Salt
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« Reply #1 on: June 09 2013, 18:08 »
Without getting involved in the details, suggest that you follow the process correctly if you intend to take it as far as the court. You will find good information on the govt website on using the small claims track. The principles are the same even if the claim is too big for that route.

Send a registered letter to the principal of the company listing what you believe are the faults. It may be helpful at this stage to get this list drawn up by a surveyor. Give them a reasonable period to respond. They are members of the BMF so you could try their arbitration service if you think that will help. It may still be possible for you to reject the boat if it has significant faults that prevent it from being used. You probably need to take professional advice before following that route.

The courts respond to evidence that you have used every reasonable means to resolve your differences so the measured approach is the one to take.

Good luck with it.


  • Swab
  • Posts: 22
  • Karma: +0/-0
  • Boat Model: Bavaria 36
  • Boat Year: 2013
« Reply #2 on: June 09 2013, 18:14 »
Thank you symphony
I do appreciate all advise
Just want to get boat sorted but like the idea of rejecting it
Thanks again


  • Able Seaman
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« Reply #3 on: June 10 2013, 12:09 »
Sorry to hear you are having a bad time.  That is not what boat ownership should be about.  I bought mine new last year (not through Clipper mind) and had a few niggles  but nothing dreadful and in the main I have fixed these myself - sticking door catches, leaky pipes, few things falling off and the like!   I had a lot of kit added and have to say, the boat was very well prepared by the dealer if a little delayed from initial promises - but nothing major.

In your case, if you have got to the point where there is a breakdown in communications between you both and you have lost all confidence in the dealer, then it may be worth speaking to a marine lawyer and taking some advice.  It's always worth writing out an account of the story and events with times dates and names to ensure that a clear picture is there.  IMHO, I would stay on the side of caution as far as broadcasting the whole thing at this stage, until you know how you stand legally in gaining recourse through the courts.  You don't want to give any ammunition to the other party and are best staying as much in line with best practice as you can.  If you do decide to go to press, stick to hard facts, not embellished comments or assumptions.  I can understand your frustrations and wish every success in resolving the issue.


  • Swab
  • Posts: 22
  • Karma: +0/-0
  • Boat Model: Bavaria 36
  • Boat Year: 2013
« Reply #4 on: June 10 2013, 12:43 »
Thank you tipster, you are absolutely right, I need to go through the right channels, and I will but it's  hard when you re dealing with issues like most of the anti foul has fell off and the guy who will remain nameless( for now) said yes it will do that!
Engine has really bad vibration at 2500 to 2750 and his replie was well you will have to learn to use it out of that range!
Total disregard for customers, they got my money and now they are not interested
I will win this no matter how long it takes not hard to see why peters opal went down is it, same people by the way