Author Topic: 2014 cruiser 33. Rudder spacer supplies  (Read 2416 times)


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2014 cruiser 33. Rudder spacer supplies
« on: November 21 2020, 22:32 »
Does anyone know where I might be able to buy the spacers that fit on the rudder
shaft between the rudder and hull.   Mine has cracked do no5 know why .
Anybody got an6 ideas how to bond the rudder tube .   Type of clamp and type of metal

Regards. Tony Revell


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Re: 2014 cruiser 33. Rudder spacer supplies
« Reply #1 on: November 21 2020, 23:01 »
Neither SVB nor Jefa list that as a spare. Not sure why you would want to replace it just because it is cracked. It does not do anything that would be impeded by a crack. It is made of acetal (Delrin is a common type) and should it fall off it would be easy to have a replacement machined by any competent machine shop.

Equally, not sure why you want to bond anything in the rudder tube. You will recall my earlier explanation - there is nothing that requires an anode as there are no dissimilar metals in the steering system, including the rudder tube that are in seawater so nothing to erode through galvanic action. The rudder stock is marine grade aluminium and may suffer some corrosion IF it is in contact with copper based antifoul. This is very easily avoided by only using copper free antifoul such as Trilux in the vicinity of the rudder stock.


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Re: 2014 cruiser 33. Rudder spacer supplies
« Reply #2 on: November 22 2020, 16:54 »
If you go on the Jefa site, click Spares and then Bavaria you will find a list of models, including your 33. In that file is a number of PDFs of both the rudder assembly and components. As you will see the tube, which is bonded into the hull, is aluminium, as are the stock, key and the locking nut. The bearings are non metallic, self aligning roller bearings. There is nothing there that would cause galvanic action, therefore bonding to an anode is unnecessary. The screw clips holding the gaiter onto the tube and stock will be stainless, but they are insulated from the aluminium - and not in seawater anyway.

BTW have just been down to my boat to check that my memory was not playing tricks on me and just in case I had missed something. My boat is Coppercoated right up to the spacer so no need for the Trilux that I used on the old boat. However, not sure it is needed anyway as this steering system does not have the exposed aluminium bearing housing of the earlier boats, so just avoid getting copper based antifoul on any exposed rudder stock.


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Re: 2014 cruiser 33. Rudder spacer supplies
« Reply #3 on: November 24 2020, 19:59 »
Thank you symphony for your reply. I will probably leave the spacer as is and will not bond the rudder tube.   Although I am thinking of experimenting by making a washer of 2 halves  one male and one female . The 2 parts would slide together one with a centre protruding blade a 1/3 of the thickness and  the other with a slot the size of the blade  .
So the 2 halves it would slide around the shaft with out removing the rudder . If the washer was of a slightly larger larger diameter one could anchor the 2 halves by pushing a pin through the outer edge of the washer from top through the washer to bottom . I would just like to know why it cracked . I hate ignoring things.

Regards Tony