Author Topic: Heating problems Volvo D2-40  (Read 4294 times)


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  • Boat Model: Bavaria 40
  • Boat Year: 2008
Heating problems Volvo D2-40
« on: May 29 2013, 05:35 »
Hi All,
I said a while back that once I resolved the heating problem I would let you know what it was.
The main problem seems to have been the filter/housing on the suction side letting in air. I changed all the pipes with new and it was easy then to see where the air bubbles were coming from (It was amazing how discolored the original hoses were) so I then bypassed the filter and could then see air bubbles from the sea water pump onwards. I put a bearing and seal kit through the pump and changed the filter complete and all airration has gone. So the advise from you all was pretty spot on. before doing the changes I had to run the engine for 29 hours over 4 days to get the yacht from Marmaris to Teos and though I had no heating problems I do believe it was on border line and in a couple more months when the water is hotter and ambient temperature is hotter I would have had problems...Thank you all for your advice...Now I just have to get over and recover from the redicules prices changed by Volvo  :(...I am still in shock