Author Topic: Re-routing Snapped Jib Halyard (2001 Bavaria 37)  (Read 1881 times)

captain kev

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Re-routing Snapped Jib Halyard (2001 Bavaria 37)
« on: August 27 2020, 01:16 »
After snapping my jib halyard and losing it inside the mast I decided to go ahead and replace all halyards, starting with re-running the jib (rope to wire).  I used chain to feed through the sheave box at the top and got it re-run.

Meanwhile, I ran messenger lines for the main halyard and spin halyard and when I went to put the new halyards back in the spin halyard was rubbing along the wire for the jib halyard, which was taught and ascending directly in front of the slot at the bottom of the mast for the spinnaker.  It got hung up somewhere near the top (spinnaker sheave is above jib on my fractional rig).  I tried slacking jib halyard to no appears to be "pulled" aft by something.

I read somewhere that the spreaders go through the mast as a solid piece.  I am not sure if possibly the jib halyard is running aft of the spreaders rather than along the forward point of the mast.  Any advice on correctly re-routing the jib halyard?  Does it need to be routed along the front of the mast using a messenger line, chain, and a magnet?   

captain kev

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Re: Re-routing Snapped Jib Halyard (2001 Bavaria 37)
« Reply #1 on: August 27 2020, 01:18 »
I should clarify that I do not have a furling main, and I have a fractional rig with double aft-raked spreaders.