Excellent comments, keep them coming...
@Yngmar: If you fold up the bimini before mooring, is it still pain in the ass with the mooring lines, etc? I managed to find a picture of your setup from your blog and to me it looks like it would not bother too much with the mooring activities as long as it's folded up but maybe I am missing something...?
@geoff: I fully agree that with Beneteau 411, as with many other after cockpit models, wide bimini really makes access to stern quarters (lines, cleats) very difficult. But with Ocean 40 as with other center cockpit models, even the wide bimini leaves still ample space at the aft deck so I do not think this is a problem.
I suppose the minimum wind speed for fluttering is just a function of canvas area and the stiffness of the frame. For Ocean 40, a narrow bimini top would be approx. 2 m wide where as a wide one would be around 3.5 m wide and longer, so the area is easily at least double...
I have seen one Ocean 40 with bimini tracks mounted outside the cockpit but not on the side-decks (see the attached picture), maybe we can call this an intermediate version. The frame would lower in front of the wind screen, which seems nice as there's nothing left up when it's down. The downside must be that it cannot be very robust with just one rigid anchoring point per side and needs several webbing straps... It just occurred to me looking at the picture that you could actually use the existing genoa track for the bimini as well!
Maybe the best way to go would be to make an arc for the mainsheet traveller and integrate a bimini to it. This would result in no problems with the main sheet and a very sturdy structure for the bimini. But not a small project...