Author Topic: watermaker placement  (Read 2665 times)


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watermaker placement
« on: March 06 2020, 07:02 »
I have a water maker on order. I went with the Spectra 150. Twelve volt as as we have no generator, don't plan on getting one. I'm attempting to decide the best place for it.

If you have one, and an Ocean series, where is it?

Right now I'm tentatively placing it on the port side, under the settee as far aft as is reasonable. There's a deep section also under the settee which I think would be a good place for the raw water for it, and it's detached from the rest of the bilge. I was hoping to T the sink drains and use one for the brine outlet.

I would love to hear any opinions about them, thanks,


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Re: watermaker placement
« Reply #1 on: March 06 2020, 07:27 »
Wherever you choose to place the machinery, ensure that the water inlet is as far away from any overboard outlets as you can reasonably place it. The last thing you need is for your fresh water to be a bit er .....🤮 And I’d also be inclined to put newly made fresh water into a totally separate tank so that existing fresh water could not be contaminated.


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Re: watermaker placement
« Reply #2 on: March 06 2020, 10:22 »
We've put our Schenker Zen 30 in the engine room, against the shower bulkhead, near the top - plenty of unused space there. The pump and filters are spread out further down near the intake. For the brine I ran a long hose aft under the bed and out the starboard lazarette, next to the two outlets for the bilge pumps there. The control panel is mounted in the galley, just above the engine room door on the right. Next to it is another panel I made with a selector valve for the product water, so it can be routed to either the sample tap on the galley sink or to the aft water tank (Y-fitting in the breather hose).

Make sure you have good access to the pre-filters and nothing underneath that minds salt water, as they will need regular changing and some drips are unavoidable. Also plan ahead on how you're going to connect everything up for pickling.

(formerly) Sailing Songbird  ⛵️ Bavaria 40 Ocean (2001)